About Us


Beyond any doubt, two factors that distinguish CBMA from other arbitration and mediation chambers are its Consultative Board, comprised of a group of internationally acclaimed jurists, and the sectoral vice-presidencies, designed to ensure that CBMA operates in perfect harmony with the interests of various segments of the economy.

The existence of an entity like CBMA in Rio de Janeiro instills confidence and legal security in investors who wish to do business in Brazil. It also demonstrates that Rio aligns with the best international practices in conflict resolution, such as mediation and arbitration.

CBMA, in line with the global trend of specialization, has the mission of establishing an environment in which conflicts can be resolved by the parties themselves or by highly trained and specialized arbitrators, in the fastest and most impartial manner, greatly benefiting the business sector and society as a whole.


The CBMA - Brazilian Center for Mediation and Arbitration is a well-established and internationally recognized arbitration chamber, founded in 2002 by the entities ACRJ, FENASEG and FIRJAN. It boasts proper facilities, an efficient secretariat, a specialized technical team in its leadership that supports all procedures, along with a panel of highly competent arbitrators and mediators who are widely recognized in the field.

+ 27

completed mediations

+ 8,5

billion in disputes

+ 225

arbitration proceedings

Founding Entities

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